Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Karma for O.J. Simpson the 6♦

O.J. Simpson could be spending the rest of his life in prison after being convicted of kidnapping and other charges in Las Vegas, stemming from a robbery of sports memorabilia once belonging to the football legend.

Simpson's sentencing hearing is set for December 5th, but experts say he could spend a minimum 15 years behind bars before he's even eligible for parole.

Karmic Payback isn't Always Pretty
Some say this conviction is unfair, that it's too much prison time based on the severity of the crimes committed (prosecutors threw in the more serious kidnapping charges based on an audio recording of the heist where O.J is heard saying 'Don’t let nobody out of this room.').

But most people (who apparently believe OJ got away with murder when acquitted 13 years ago on charges that he slaughtered his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman), think Simpson has finally gotten what he deserves, 13 years to-the-day that he was acquitted of murder charges, for the brutal killings of his ex wife and her friend.

O.J. Simpson is a 6♦ (six of diamonds) in the Goddess of Destiny system (an ancient science that blends astrology, numerology and the deck of 52 'playing' cards). In numerology, 6 is the number of Karma, the law of cause and effect. Karma is a belief that you will get back what you give out. Be kind to others and good things will come back to you. Be a jerk and, well, you get the gist of it.

Anyone who is a 6 (of any suit) in this system needs to be extra careful when it comes to dishing it out in this lifetime because, sooner or later, payback will certainly arrive. According to the Deck of Destiny, the 6♦ person is here to learn financial responsibility (6 = responsibility, karma, ♦ = finances, values).

This 'get even' quality of the 6♦ can be attributed to Simpson's success on the football field. Sports figures Jack Nicklaus, Joe Montana and Joe Lewis are also the 6♦. In his book, "Love Cards," author Robert Camp attributes the fairness aspect (pushing back with the same force pushed upon you) as well as the ability to keep cool under the pressure of competition, to the success of these 6♦ sports pros.

As for Simpson being convicted at this time, one of the Cards influencing the 52 day period Simpson is in is Ron Goldman's card (K♦). Beneath the K♦ is Simpson's 6♦ (karma) card, paired with the 9♣, which signifies an ending of a mentally challenging struggle (9= endings; C= mental).

This 'ending' could mean that Simpson, who may have 'gotten away with murder,' has never gotten over the brutal crimes and somehow wanted to pay for them in some way. It could also mean a happy ending for the Goldman family, whose years of mental struggle may be eased now that Simpson will apparently be going to prison for a long time.

An Interesting Sidebar Relating to Ron & Nicole's Cards

Most of the 'cards' in the Goddess of Destiny system (45 of the 52 in the deck) experience a peak or pinnacle period of success and even 'fame' every 45 years. It's interesting to note that, when they were killed, both Nicole Brown Simpson (a K♣, was age 35 when she died) and Ron Goldman (a K♦, was 25 when he died) were in their 'pinnacle,' or peak fame years. These two certainly did become famous, even infamous, during this time.

For more on O.J. as the 6♦, tune-in to my Karma for O.J. the 6♦ podcast. And, to find out more about the Goddess of Destiny system, and discover your card, go to GoddessofDestiny.com.

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