Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Embracing Fire & Winds of Change

The Santa Ana winds are back, fanning a new season of wildfires in Southern California. Viewing the amazing TV footage of the raging flames is a great reminder to not only clear brush and debris from around your home, but to also do some inner (emotional) clearing.

Ask yourself: "What aspect of my life needs to embrace winds of change and fire?"

When you embrace the winds of change, being able to let go welcome the future with a feeling of optimism or at least hopefulness, you can avoid the flames and flare-ups of being exposed to the more intense fire.

"Wind means change is coming," warns Emalani, an intuitive counselor who, as a child, learned how to understand and respect the rhythms of nature from her mother. "Fire can be minimized.... through embracing the winds of change."

Calling it 'preventive medicine,' Emalani suggests using meditation or prayer "to clear our passages, to clear our aura, to clear our heart" of old limiting beliefs, relationships and activities that no longer serve us. This can be done sitting quietly as you gaze at a candle. Ask yourself what you need to let go of, and replace that energy with love.

For more, tune-in to my chat with Emalani at www.lisa.fm. Or, get the direct podcast link here.

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