Friday, April 13, 2007

Wow - it's LUCKY Friday the 13th!

Are you feeling lucky on this Friday the 13th? Oh, come on - you're not suffering from Paraskevidekatriaphobia (the morbid irrational fear of Friday the 13th), are you? A study published in the British Medical Journal in 1993 actually found that there are people who are reluctant to drive on Friday the 13th and that, in factc, the number of car crashes was higher on Friday the 13th, among the area they sampled.

Not only is 13 believed to be an 'unlucky' number - so much so that buildings taller than 13 stories rarely will include a '13th floor.' But, the number 6 is also unlucky, according to myth. So - FRIDAY, being the SIXTH day of the week - coupled with 13 - has led to the superstition that unfortunate things can happen on Friday the 13th.

Now, given all the talk about The Secret - the DVD/book that talks about the Law of Attraction - basically, what you believe you receive, isn't it time that we start thinking less about any possible bad things happening on a Friday the 13th - and instead focusing our intention on making this a TERRIFICLY LUCKY DAY, regardless of the date?

After all - for talk radio host Don Imus - his unlucky day(s) fell prior to the 13th - he lost his show at MSNBC on Wednesday the 11th (11 is considered a LUCKY number for many) and got fired from his national radio show on Thursday the 12th.

Now - get out and make the most of this very lucky day - Friday the 13th!

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